Emailed — March 2, 2022
Dear Church Family,
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for the church business meeting that will be happening March 13, 2022 at 10:00 AM in the Church Fellowship Hall. This is an important opportunity for you to help set the direction of the church and learn more about how we run the church and are stewards of the resources God has blessed us with. Below you will find all the documents you need to be informed and prepared for the meeting. Please take the time to look at these and read them ahead of time as we will not be going through everything word-by-word.
Church Business Meeting Documents
- Agenda – Click Here
Previous Minutes
- February 23, 2020 – Click Here
- February 6, 2021 – Click Here
- March 28, 2021 – Click Here
Officer and Departmental Reports – Click here
- Church Budget – Click Here
- REACH Action Plan – Click Here
If you have any questions please contact Pastor Royce or Philip Hill.
Thank you in advance to all those who will participate in the business meeting and a special thank you to each of you who faithfully support our church in one way or another.
Pastor Royce Odiyar
BC Conference Monthly Testimony Video — January 2022
Emailed — September 21, 2021
NAD Statement on COVID-19 Vaccines
Dear Fellow Workers:
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I pray that each of you and your beloved ones are well and in good health, by God’s grace.
The situation regarding the COVID-19 vaccines is creating some confusion and even division in our church. I wanted to share with you the statement that the NAD has released, which is in harmony with the GC’ statement on this sensitive issue. Pastors, please feel free to share it with your local church members prayerfully, as some of them might approach you about this matter. Also, for those who want to request a letter from the Seventh-day Adventist Church regarding their religious & conscience objection to being vaccinated (COVID-19 vaccine), where that becomes an issue of facing the possibility of losing their jobs for choosing not to have the COVID-19 vaccine, please note that at the end of the attached NAD statement, it is mentioned that the local Seventh-day Adventist Unions’ Legal Counsel - SDACC in our case - will assist those Adventist brothers and sisters of ours to write their own letter to express their objection to being vaccinated. However, those letters will not be from the SDACC’s or any Conference’s official letterhead paper.
I am also attaching a link to some documents & clarification about COVID-19 vaccines prepared & collected by the NAD regarding this subject.
We are certainly living in interesting times. My prayer is that this situation does not compete with the Great Commission that our Master Jesus Christ has given to us to fulfil it in His Name (Matthew 28:18-20).
Thank you for your faithful service to God’s Church & His children!
God’s richest blessings to each of you and your beloved ones.
In His Service,
Wesley Torres
Wesley Torres, D.Min.
Posted — September 1, 2021
ANNUAL CHURCH CAMP OUT, starting Friday, September 10, 2021
Also a few helpful tips for those that are just coming out for Sabbath:
- To those that are not able to walk far, please get in touch with Van or Keith and they will let you know where you can park close to the campsite.
The rest of the day visitors, you are allowed to drive into Bastion Mountain camping site to drop off passengers, chairs and your coolers. There are 4 parking spots near the entrance booth, if they are full you have to go back out and down the road to the Day Parking area. You are NOT allowed to park on the road side near the entrance nor in the camping area
Other weekend activities/details:
- Friday afternoon, for those early birds, Patrick Andrews will have his boat on the water for anyone wanting to go skiing or tubing. Bring your own PFDs, if you have them.
After lunch on Sabbath we will have James patio boat to take people for a 40 minute cruise on the lake. We are allowing 45 minutes per trip. 8 people per trip.
- Time of departures would be 2:15, 3.00, 3:45, 4:30. Meet down at the boat launch area.
- Sabbath fellowship lunch will be haystacks and we need people to sign up for ingredients. Please sign-up by clicking here
- There will be other campers on site that are not part of our group. Please be mindful of their space and noise levels. Quiet time is at 10:00PM
7:15pm — Opening Sabbath, Songs and a message from Pastor Royce
9:45am— Sabbath School lesson, Also children's Sabbath School.
11:00am — Praise Team, Children's story, Sermon from Pastor Royce.
12:15 pm — Fellowship Lunch: HAYSTACKS!
- Sign-up to bring a food item by clicking here..
2:00pm — Hike Margaret falls upper loop, Patio boat rides around the area, scenic mountain biking (depending on weather!)
6:00pm — Fellowship Supper: bring your own picnic supper!
7:15pm — Closing Sabbath, Songs and talk by Pastor Royce
8:45am — Pancake breakfast, pancakes and basic toppings will be supplied. Bring your own favourite toppings! We know there are some serious canners out there! Please bring $5 per family.
10:00am — Pull down tents, then boating activities, wakeboarding, waterskiing, tubing.
11.00am — Checkout.
This will be a great weekend for everyone. Let us spend this time to enjoy our fellowship with minimal to zero COVID talk. Instead, let us dwell on things we enjoy. As the word says in Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
Posted — August 18, 2021
Camp Hope is here to help :-)
Dear Pastors,
With all the wildfires that are currently burning around our province, we know that evacuation orders or poor air quality conditions will be adversely affecting some members of our churches in BC. We would like these evacuated/health-affected members to know that Camp Hope is a lodging option, and they are welcome to use Camp Hope for their individual needs. Both RV camping and tent camping are an option, as well as utilizing a room in the lodge. We need your help to reach out to these members and make them aware of this option.
Important items to know and remember:
- The camp is currently being utilized as an official Emergency Shelter by the Government of BC. We are hosting evacuated members of the Lytton First Nations (LFN) community.
Due to having the LFN community here, we have security presence at the gate 24/7, and everyone must stop and check in, (similar to camp meeting time but more intense and serious). These Security Guards are employed by BC Emergency Services.
Please contact the Camp Hope Lodge Office at (604)869-2615, Stephanie’s cell (604)869-1729 or email to make arrangements prior to arrival. We need to know who is coming and what your needs will be (how many are in your group, whether you plan to camp in an RV, tent, or will need a Lodge Room). Bring any notice, document or paperwork that is associated with the evacuation, particularly Emergency Support Services (ESS) Referral documents.
We are providing services to our LFN elders and guests in the lodge during a very traumatic time in their lives. Some of these guests are survivors of the residential school system. We are sharing our beloved camp. We are providing a safe, friendly, and loving environment. We are endeavoring to be the hands and feet of Jesus. The Dining Room is a great place to make new friends!
- If any SDA member decides to come, we will find them a location in the Garden Section, the K Section of the lower campground, or other designated areas. As per our agreement with the B.C. Government, the classrooms, family cabins, bunkhouses, and any surrounding areas, including the pathways/walkways located in the middle and back of the campgrounds have been reserved for the use of the First Nation guests seeking refuge at our campground.
We also hope to be a safe place for the BC Seventh-day Adventists church members seeking shelter from the raging fires surrounding them, and the health-affected needing to freely breathe our (still!) fresh, clean air.
With our prayers for your safety,
BC Conference Administration
Denny Rumambi
Vice-President for Finance
Seventh-day Adventist Church (British Columbia Conference)
Box 1000 (1626 McCallum Road)
Abbotsford, BC V2S 4P5
604.853.5451 x 103
604.853.8681 fax
Posted — August 12, 2021
ADRA Canada needs 20 volunteers per day!!! This is a great way for us to help out with one part of the evacuation relief efforts due to all the fires across BC this summer.
If you want to help, here are the steps:
- Complete a criminal record check (CRC). If you have a valid CRC in the last three years, then send proof of this to Tanya Avelar-Martinez at the Conference office (, in order to be added to the pre-clearance list.
- IF you do not have a current CRC and need to get one, the easiest way is to contact your local RCMP and provide the attached volunteer letter (download here) and ask them if they would kindly waive the fee for the criminal record check. In some cases they will, if they don't, then ADRA will reimburse you for the CRC if you submit it to Tanya at the Conference office.
- Once you have submitted your proof of CRC to the Conference office, you will be added to the pre-approved list of volunteers and you will be given address for the distribution/sorting warehouse in Coldstream BC.
- Then, at your convenience drop in at the warehouse any day Sunday to Friday, and be ready to help. The warehouse hours are:
- Sunday 10AM-4PM
- Monday to Thursday 9AM-4PM
- Friday 10AM-4PM
- Sabbath - occasionally help is needed
Here is the original appeal for volunteers:
“ADRA Canada in looking for volunteers to assist in the warehouse management operations being done in Coldstream, BC (close to Vernon), where in-kind donations will be sorted and distributed to the members affected by the recent wildfires which devastated Lytton and surrounding areas. If you can spare some time to volunteer, please contact Tanya at the conference office, or by phone, 604-853-5451 x300. “When we give to the poor, we give to the Lord…(Proverbs 19:17)”.
Sent: July 23, 2021
Good morning pastors and elders,
On today's ADRA briefing, we were told that, unfortunately, there is a delay with the contractor that is providing the supplies for the warehouse operations. The new start date is now Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at 10am. ADRA truly apologizes for the back and forth, understanding that our volunteers need time to arrange their schedules. I have contacted the leaders in Vernon which is where local volunteers are being source for the start up. However, members in your churches should be made aware of this change in case they were considering arriving this weekend. Please pass this information along to any leader that has access to send a wide media message to your members.
In other news, ADRA has officially signed the leasing contract, logistics contract, is working with other agencies such as the Red Cross for housing accommodations, Salvation Army for food supply, and The Mennonite Society for housing renovation supplies. Thank God all the puzzle pieces are coming together to ensure we can offer and support the best warehouse management to the many community members needing assistance.
One final piece of information, the landlord of the Coldstream warehouse has informed us that he will provide power, water, and sewage hookup for free to any volunteer that prefers to bring their trailer / RV with them, and they will be able to stay onsite for the duration of their stay. This is an amazing blessing.
Thank you, leaders, for sharing this information with your members. As a reminder, I am available to answer question at my work extension number, or by e-mail. Please remind your members as well.
Hoping and praying you all have a wonderful Sabbath.
Tanya Avelar-Martinez
Assistant to Ministerial Director
Conference Membership Clerk
604.853.5451 x 300
604.853.8681 fax
Posted — July 29, 2021
This year some of the families and children in our church got to participate in a special telling of the Noah Story for the Virtual BC Conference Camp Meeting. This story was developed for the children's division ages 4 and under. Enjoy!
Posted — June 24, 2021
We want to give a big congratulations to our Grade 9's and all our students who worked so hard this school year. A big thanks to our families, teachers, and all staff and volunteers!
Posted — March 18, 2021

Dear Church Family,
I trust that each of you are doing well and that you have successfully navigated another winter and the most recent time change. The weather this week has been beautiful and refreshing and I look forward to the bloom and blessings of Spring and Summer.
As already announced, we will be having our annual Church Business Meeting Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 9:00AM. We have had a busy year and you won’t want to miss this meeting.
Again, we are asking everyone to register for this meeting to attend either in-person or via Zoom. Please follow this link (click here) to indicate your intention to attend.
We had planned to publish the official agenda this week, but unfortunately, there has been a delay, but we will have it ready by next week. For now, the key things you need to know is the main agenda item will be the Expansion Feasibility Committee Report. This committee was tasked with exploring solutions to the space problem for the church and school - specifically exploring if a plant expansion is necessary/best or are there other viable solutions/options. The business meeting agenda will also include reviewing and approving the new church budget and answering any questions you may have about 2020.
Please pray for us as we continue planning and preparing for this important meeting.
Pastor Royce